Valkiria chronicle 4 first battle tank
Valkiria chronicle 4 first battle tank

valkiria chronicle 4 first battle tank

The "universal tank" design for the British Centurion is generally held to be the forerunner of the concept.

  • On the concept art, the Assault Tank is referred to as a "main battle tank." In real life, this was a postwar concept of combining the two roles of medium and heavy tank, using new lightweight armour schemes to make a tank that was as maneuverable as a medium tank but had the protection and firepower of a heavy tank.
  • The suspension is based off of the M41 Bulldog's with one less road wheel.
  • valkiria chronicle 4 first battle tank valkiria chronicle 4 first battle tank

    In addition, the first appearance of these tanks during the Battle of Siegval is a historical reference to the Germans encounter of the T-34 during the early months of Operation Barbarossa.The Assault tank shares a similar design to the Soviet T-34 medium tank, particularly the early 1942 T-34/76 model with another machine gun where the driver escape hatch should be.Main turret Armor piercing turret: Equipmentįield of interception is 90 degrees from the front. Technical Information įirst encountered during the battle of Siegval. This revolutionary development shocked engineers the world over, and influenced tank design for years to come. They nicknamed the tank "Kafer," after the hard carapace of a beetle. Through this, they realized new defensive designs that didn't rely on armour thickness. Their most notable feature is their sloped plating, which redirects the force of enemy rounds. Around EWII's beginning, the Empire began developing a new type of medium tank, incorporating electric-welding rather than rivets to increase its defense.

    Valkiria chronicle 4 first battle tank