How to use endnote to insert citations within the text
How to use endnote to insert citations within the text

Enter identifying text in the Search box to locate the appropriate reference.Ħ. From the EndNote 20 tab in Word, select Citations>Insert citation(s).ĥ.Position your cursor in the paper where you want to insert the citation.Open a document in Word (it is important to do it in this order the first time you use Word with EndNote).Open your EndNote Library that contains the references you want to cite.Also, check that APA 7 th is the style selected.

how to use endnote to insert citations within the text

If it not showing, select Tools>Templates and Add-ins. Then select EndNote CWYW Word 16 options. You can use EndNote with Microsoft Word (including Office 365), enabling you to 'Cite While You Write'.įirst you need to open a blank document and check for the EndNote tab in Word.

How to use endnote to insert citations within the text